Different Types of Pest Removal Traps – What’s the Most Effective?

Are you one of the many home owners facing a plague of furry animals or rodents inside your home?

Most people are unsure of how to get rid of these infestations. There are so many different products available to get rid of a specific type of pest. First instinct tells us to use some kind of poison, but this may also cause a lot of concern with regards to its safety in and around the home. The good news is that these days, various kinds of traps are available which can be used to capture your creature effectively and to dispose of it accordingly.

There are various repellents and traps available to rid your home of rodents and other creatures, and each method has its advantages as well as disadvantages. The most common types of traps include:

  • Electronic traps
  • Ultrasonic rodent repellents
  • Snap traps
  • Glue traps
  • Humane traps/cages

Electronic Traps

This box-shaped device has only one point of entry. It is generally used to trap rodents such as rats and mice by placing some kind of “treat” inside the trap. When the creature enters the box through the opening, it will not be able to make its escape. It then receives an electric shock that will kill it within a couple of seconds.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Traps

An electronic trap is guaranteed to effectively kill pests such as rodents and is generally regarded as a better method to trap and dispose of these creatures. Once the trap has been activated by the entry of a rodent, a green light will start blinking. The disadvantage of this feature is that the light will only blink for a period of 24 hours. If such traps are not checked regularly, the body of the pest will start to decay and leave a very bad odor.

Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents

This type of control measure emits ultrasonic sound waves at a very high frequency and rodents absolutely cannot tolerate such high frequency noise. It will cause levels of distress in the rodent and they will do everything they can to leave the immediate area and escape from the noise (read more about how they work here)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents

The ultrasonic waves emitted by the device cannot be heard by humans or domesticated animals such as cats and dogs; therefore, it is a very safe option to use around the house. The disadvantage of the device is that its broadcasting range is very short. Although it is still a good alternative to use within large rooms, one device cannot be used to cover your entire home. It is also possible that one group of rodents may become “immune” to the high frequency sound, which may  limit the effectiveness of your ultrasonic repellent device.

best mouse trap

Snap Traps

These traps are highly regarded as the best available and are specifically designed to trap mice and rats. It has a spring-loaded “trigger” or release mechanism, which is locked into place on a small piece of wooden or plastic platform. Typically, the rodent will try to gain access to the bait placed on the device. Once the rodent starts eating the treat, the movement will release the trigger, causing the spring-loaded bar to snap back into its normal position, striking the mouse or rat and kill it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Snap Traps

As mentioned earlier, the trap is regarded as an effective method to get rid of rodents by killing it instantly. However, when a rodent starts its way off the trap, the trigger may not strike it in a manner to cause death, but only injures it. Apart from the animal having to suffer, it means you will have to find another way to kill the rodent once it is found. Another disadvantage is, when these traps are not placed in general out-of-reach places, your children or domestic animals can be injured while exploring.

Snap traps are consistently voted the best mouse traps for getting rid of house mice. (but don’t forget to use the right bait!)

Glue Traps

This type of trap is a thin plastic sheet spread with a thin layer of glue. A small piece of bait is then placed in the center, preferably far enough from all sides so that the rodent has to make its way well onto the trap to get to it. The glue will allow for its feet to become stuck, and therefore, unable to make its escape.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Glue Traps

These traps are not poisonous; therefore safe for use around the house. The glue will also hold the rodent firmly in its trapped position. The sad disadvantage is that you will find your pest alive, and you will have to kill or dispose of it in a different manner.

squirrel traps

Humane Traps

Humane traps are generally regarded as cage traps, and are often known as squirrel traps. Cages are more commonly used to trap larger creatures such as raccoons and opossums. Wildlife experts usually make use of three types of cages: body grip traps, paw hold traps and live cages. These cages will only trap an animal without causing injury or death.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Humane Traps

Depending on the animal, it is usually advantageous to make use of live cages. These types of cages trap the animal without causing any harm, and the animal can be safely released back into nature. If you choose to trap an animal yourself, humane traps should not be used if you plan on leaving your home for more than two days. Cages should be checked at least once a day to remain a humane choice.

So, Whats the Best Trap for Your Situation?

The best type of pest removal trap will vary between individual circumstance. If you are dealing with a small infestations of rodents, such as house mice or roof rats, snap traps are the most effective, and most cost effective solution.

For larger, more active pests such as squirrels, racoons, skunks, or bats, exclusion traps or cage traps are the most effective, however, its recommended that a professional set and monitor these traps as there is a fine art to it (and dangers involved)

​If you want to learn about the best traps for pests, click right here.

If you want to catch the pests but are finding a humane way to trap them, then click right here.​

The most important piece of advice is this: prevention is better than the cure. Before setting ANY type of trap, you must be confident that all entry/exit holes are completely sealed. The last thing you would want is to spend time and money getting rid of household pests, only to find that they come straight back in!

Having pests in your attic, or other less populated areas of your house, is a common problem faced by homeowners across the US. Visit this page for more information on common attic pests, and the best ways to deal with them.